Monday, February 11, 2008

Promising a post

I do not read other blogs so much, sorry. So I really do not know if bloggers write posts like this to say how tired they are...This post is just to check in and say 'ciao' and then I really must stop with the computer already tonight, it's 9:37pm and really, so way past my bedtime (at least get-ready-for-bedtime on a Monday anyway)...

There is a lot to do for an internet radio show. I kind of knew that, but now I know it much better. I had an offer by someone, to be my full-time executive assistant; she expects to come work for me a year from now. I think I need her now. Possibly yesterday.

I wasn't on EXTRA! TV by the way, big surprise. One day I'll post a little story about "Mangos and Fake Ice Cubes" to tell the tale of how I kind of sort of to be on EXTRA! TV.

For now, I'm going to sign off and once again, promise to say more next time.


Buona notte.


Blondie said...

Take heart, bloggers ALWAYS talk about how tired they are, and how they are too tired to blog. You aren't the first, and you won't be the last to do so.
We're looking forward to your next show on Thursday.
And don't worry about not being on EXTRA; they don't know what they missed out on. After you're a big radio star, they will be begging to have you on.
Hugs! T

Chef Di said...

thanks Tina, you're a sweetheart!