Monday, July 7, 2008

Dreams do come true: A Cereal Cafe

So Doll (my sister Lisa) and I are around town today, having been interviewed by the Beach Reporter for our new Melting Pot Tours... a fascinating Business Profile (complete with photo) for this Thursday's paper I'm sure, and there we saw it - The Soreal Cafe. A cereal cafe, in Hermosa Beach. (There is no website link, I am so sorry.)

I said to Doll, "you know, I had a thought one day, that every time a new business opens, someone's dream comes true!"

Isn't that a nice thought? Just imagine. Someone wanted to open a cereal cafe. And now they have. This is a wonderful world. I understand that this place has 30 or 40 cereals to choose from, and you can select a combination if you'd like. You can even have your selection with some frozen yogurt. You can, I am sure, have a choice of milks to go with your cereal. You can also have some fresh fruit with your choice or combinations of cereals. The possibilities are probably endless! Unlimited!

Imagine how blessed this cafe's customers must feel. Maybe their (the customers') dreams are coming true, it is entirely possible.

This reminds me of a woman I knew many moons ago who was telling me a story about how she liked to eat oatmeal for breakfast sometimes. Her mother used to make it and she had loved it as a child and so on the morning of this particular story she spun to me, she had gone down to some restaurant and, ordered oatmeal....

You know, I have no recollection whatsoever of what other pearls her story contained because I had so much trouble getting past her craving homemade oatmeal and going out to order it at a restaurant. She owned a fabulous home, with a gourmet kitchen. It's just not right.

Imagine if I had a day where I woke up craving hot cereal and did what? Got out of my jammies, dolled up enough to be seen in public (on a day when I'm craving hot cereal; how long would that take?), and drove to where? The Soreal Cafe?

It has occurred to me whether they serve Cream of Wheat. From the red box. The 2 1/2 minute version. I doubt it.

Oh never mind. 

Let's just leave it at...someone wanted to open a place that served cereal, and now their dream has come true.

Once again we have pure proof, and another reason to absolutely believe what I always claim to be true.

Life is very good.

1 comment:

Blondie said...

Ooh ooh ooh; we MUST go there. I love cereal. So glad to see you're back on your blog; I thought maybe the loss Italy took in the Euro-Cup broke your heart and you were laying in ball wailing for your fallen idols.
It's been too long since we've gotten together; let's remedy that situation soon; ok?
Ginger :)